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Personal Letter

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At Sea

3 October 1944

My Precious lady,

Here you are involved in a serious [sic] of new situations and I can’t hear from you. Oh! the irony of it. I’m curious to learn about your job and what you are doing in your spare time—if you have such a thing as spare time.

The trip thus far has been very pleasant aside from a few rough swells. For a while though the weather got very rough. The ship heaved from side to side and many of the soldiers got sea-sick. It cleared up shortly thereafter.

Each afternoon the men go out on the deck for calisthenics and games. They have a lot of fun and get quite a kick out of it.

We buy all kinds of candy bars on the ship in the ship stores. In the Officers’ Lounge we can purchase Pepsi Cola, ginger ale, or ginger beer.

During the afternoons, I played deck tennis with some of the officers. We had a lot of fun at the game.

We try to keep the men as comfortable as possible but their quarters are very close and they really have a hard time of it. (Methinks, I’m beginning to sound like one of our allies). The men do have a recreation hall where movies are shown periodically. We hear newscasts over the ship’s public address system every so often and try to keep up with the war situation. About an hour or two I spend with the man going over foreign languages. In the evenint [sic] I take my warm salt bath and then retire. You see we awake at 0730. Naturally, we stand watch—4 hrs. every 2 days.

Tonight I went on the top deck. It was a very beautiful, yet ominous sight. The wind was blowing up, the salt spray was kicking out, occasionally lightening split the sky while the surrounding ships (blacked out) hovered in the shadows near the horizon.

Darling, my love, I’m getting a little bit “itchy” for your letters. I’m reading the old ones over & over until the new mail gets through. I hope you are more patient than I am.

I love you


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