Document Type

Personal Letter


[Translation begins]

8 June 1945

Gr. Berkel- Near Hameln

My darling sweetheart,

Well, we’re not receiving any mail until we reach Mannheim but that does not stop me from writing. If I can arrange it, I’m going to try and mail my letters at an APO that is still set up here.

Today I really knocked myself out doing a lot of swimming etc. all at one time. In the morning I went swimming in an indoor pool in Hameln and in the afternoon I went swimming in a beautiful outdoor pool at Bad Pyrmont. This Bad Pyrmont was and for that matter still is a beautiful resort town tucked away in the hills. Most of the buildings are hotels and contain thousands of Germans who are convalescing. It seems that one adopts a different attitude to the enemy now that they are in hospitals etc.

Gee, honey, I’m developing a real sun tan. If I continue at this rate I should be a colored fellow. You know, it’s really difficult to write when you are not receiving any letters and nothing is happening around you. C’est la guerre.

Rumors are still flying around here as to what’s going to happen to us but no one knows positively.

I love you, darling.


[Translation ends]