Document Type



This work was created for a Bryant Honors Program Thesis and highlights the connections between cryptocurrency, investing, and investors’ financial literacy.

First Faculty Advisor

John Fellingham

Second Faculty Advisor

A. Can Inci


cryptocurrency; investment; financial education


Bryant University

Rights Management

CC - BY - NC - ND; CC - BY; CC - BY - SA; CC - BY - ND; CC - BY - NC - SA; CC - BY - NC


In this paper, there will be discussion pertaining to the use of different cryptocurrencies as a tool within an investment portfolio and how different investors view the idea of investing with cryptocurrency. This includes the validity of cryptocurrency, historical trends, relationships to other asset classes, and the results of surveys taken to those questioned about cryptocurrencies. An outline of how the cryptocurrency markets operate will be included, as well as the creation and value of cryptocurrency. Further, there is discussion about specific investment cases such as a tool for retirement investing and how cryptocurrency can be used in the growing metaverse. The growing knowledge of cryptocurrency and background data collected by other literature will help to build a survey and collect sentiments of potential future investors and their backgrounds to determine how cryptocurrency and its relative investments can ultimately be used. In totality, the survey results shows that there was almost no correlation between several demographic and psychographic categories of investors, and their sentiment towards cryptocurrency.
