Document Type

Personal Letter

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[Transcription begins]

June 24, 1942

Station Hosp.


Dear Mom,

Just a note to tell you of the latest developments.

Several officers came over last night and introduced themselves—they belong to our unit and had arrived Sunday. Now we have seven doctors and twelve nurses plus chief nurse and they tell us we will meet the enlisted men and other officers at the point of Embarkation.

We are so excited—what a great chance to do our nursing, help our boys and our country and travel. We are meeting people from all over the country.

To-day we filled out cards stating that we had arrived at our destination safely—it will be sent home if and when we do arrive where ever [sic] we are going to be stationed.

Our Chief Nurse told us we are going to a cold climate—the Red Cross is donating flannel Pj’s. Our new address will be APO 1099 c/o PM NYC #629601.

Rumors are flying thick and fast around here, because of the Y. fever, cholera and typha shots we think maybe we will go through the Panama Canal. However, it may be Northern Ireland or Scotland. Wouldn’t it be wonderful if I go to England, your beloved country. Who knows, Mom! We have lots of fun talking about it anyway.

Give my love and new address to all.

Write soon


[Transcription ends]

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