
World War II;U.S.S. Dorothea L. Dix;Navy;Storekeeper

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[Transcription begins]

U.S.S. Dorothea L. Dix
Fleet Post Office
New York, N. Y.

January 23, 1944

Bryant Service Club
Bryant College
Providence, 6, R.I.

Dear Alma Mater:

Believe me, your message now and then are very cheery, and, I might say, interesting (they sure start the memory wheels turning over). So I would like to thank you for the Bulletin with the Alumni news (now so scarce), for the box of candy at Christmas, and for the V-mail friendly letter.

The box of candy was appreciated by many of the crew- and there was still plenty for me to excite my palate with. (Pogy Bait, the sailors called it.)

Lots of times I wish that I were back at Bryant, studying, instead of the hard way of experience, but that’s life.

I enlisted in the navy in March, 1942, as a Storekeeper, 3rd class. Before many weeks (4) I was assigned to sea duty, and have been rolling around ever since, in one part of the world or another.

Am not a Storekeeper 1st class, and work in the Pay Office of the ship, which gives me much opportunity to use my Bryant training. (Figuring pay, “selling” insurance, registering allotments, and other office work.)

The duty also has its adventurous moments (and how!) and is all the time interesting and instructive (travel broadens everyone.)

Must sign off now, but thanks again!


Alfred H. Murphy SK1/2
USS Dorothea L. Dix
c/o Fleet Post Office
New York, N. Y. [Transcription ends]