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[Transcription begins]

Bachelor Officers Quarter
Drew Field
Tampa, Florida
Nov. 2, 1942

Miss Clara Blaney, General Chairman
Bryant Service Club
Providence, R.I.

My dear Miss Blaney,

Recently I received a letter from home stating that the Bryant Service Club had sent me a package and a letter quite some time ago.

I am sorry to inform you that I haven’t received either of the above items, which fact can most likely be attributed to my numerous changes in station.

I do want you to know that I deeply appreciate the fine gestures made by your club. You can be fully assured that the wonderful work your organization is engaged in is bringing happiness to all of us in the services.

The Bryant Service Club, in my estimation, is specializing in the most important factor contributing to the sustenance of a high morale in service- men- that is being remembered by the folks at home.

At present I am a fighter pilot in the Air Force, and although it is quite a change from accounting, etc., I must admit that it is exciting and enjoyable work.

You can do me a favor if you will- that is to send me Bryant Alumni news that might interest me. I promise to keep you informed of changes in address.

Very truly yours,

Lt. Charles A. Nofal [Transcription ends]