Document Type

Personal Letter


Katherine Trickey; WWII

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All rights retained by Bryant University


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Camp Wheeler, Ga.

23 Feb 1944

Dear Folks,

I am slightly late on my letter this week. I have been alone in the files as my co[r]poral is taking training this week out on the firing range. I haven’t had a chance to type a letter as I expected.

I had Saturday afternoon off and went in town hoping to get my hair done but every place was full; I did however get an appointment for Monday after work. Then to pass the rest of the time until Marjorie could meet me at suppertime, I went to the movies – the first movie I have been to in Macon alone and the second all together in Macon itself. We usually go on the post as the movies are newer than in town. Sat. I saw Red Skeleton [Skelton] in Whislting [Whistling] in Brooklyn. Not bad. It was a murder mystery with loads of comedy. I enjoyed it. Marjorie and I traied [tried] the New Yorker Cafeteria for supper and found it was very nice. They had girls to carry the trays after you had picked out your food so that made it seem less like a caf[e]teria, and yet you had the advantage of picking your food which I like. I had a very good meal for 90 cents. You spend more that way than at a regular meal I think.

After supper we went up to the USO and read a while and then watched some soldiers doing fingerpainting. We could have tried it too but neither of us was in the mood so we just watched. The hostess[es] at that USO are very cordial and nice. We enjoy going there.

Sunday I wasn’t sleepy so got up for breakfast and did my washing and ironing in the morning. Just lay around and read and talked and listened to the symphany (sic) concert on the radio in the afternoon and went to the Gym for the WAC show in the evening.. It was advertising under false pretenses to call it a WAC show. Most of the acts were by the boys. They were good but I think the crowd was disappointed because it was not what they expected. The place was packed and they said they turned away about 2000. They had reserved the back blearchers (sic) for officers and for WACs and their escorts, and any of the boys who had civilian girls with them. Marjorie and I went up on the bleachers and had been sitting their [there] only a few minutes when one of the boys approached us and asked if we expected anyone with us; if not, would we mind if he and his buddy sat with us so that they could get a seat; all the rest of the auditorium was packed. We were of course very glad to accomodate and it was more interesting than as if we had been alone. The boy was from Mass. (Somerville) and had two children.

(I wish this typewriter would use better English and spell better this morning)

Monday I went to Macon and had of all things a permanent! Just the sides and top–the back is still too short and it seems better to keep it that way. It will help me to keep my hair from straggling so. I have a few curls on top and curls at each side which doesn’t look natural now. As it loosens up it will be wavy and I’ll wear it much as I did before I imagine, but it does give me soemthing (sic) to set if I wish.

Last night we had a party in the day room for our first sergeant. She is married and is going to have a baby, so we gave her a baby shower. Baby’s bathinette, dresses, everything. She was much surprised and pleased. She is of course being discharged and will be leaving us the last of this week. Out [our] new first sergeant has already been assigned to us. And seems even better than the one who is leaving.

My corporal is out again today training so I must stop this and get to work. If I do the work without any indexes as he has been doing it, it only takes about three hours a day to put everything away.–But it takes hours everytime I want to look up anything.

I imagine I’ll make myself work and index most everything just so I can find it quicker. I hate hunting through paper after paper and tel[e]gram after telegram. Yesterday I hunte[d] through three months of incoming telegrams which took me about three hours and if they had been indexed I could have done it in half an hour easy. But it takes pleanty (sic) long to index them. I started on January’s yesterday and worked about four hours and only got half done. However it it is done each day it isn’t too bad a job. Once I have caught up-to-date on it.



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