A Collaborative Project to Increase the Participation of Women and Minorities in Higher Level Mathematics Courses

Kristin Kennedy, Bryant University
Phyllis Schumacher, Bryant University

Document Type Article

Published by Heldref Publications in the Journal of Education for Business March/April 2005, page 189.

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In this article, the authors describe a program developed to encourage women and minorities to continue their study of mathematics in high schools until graduation. The 3-year program was a collaborative effort by professors and students from Bryant University, local businesses, and local high schools. During the 3 years, the program evolved from the development and presentation of reality-based mathematical modules taught in the high school classrooms to an interdisciplinary enrichment activity at Bryant University. The university students acted as mentors or tutors to the high school students. Throughout the program, the business representatives, university personnel, and high school teachers collaborated to bring mathematics alive to the students through real-world applications.