
John S. Renza


World War II;United States Army


[Transcription begins]

9 January 1945.

Bryant Service Club
Bryant College
Providence, Rhode Island

Dear Members,

I want to acknowledge receipt of your Christmas package containing the sweater. The sweater is really coming in handy; it is so full of warmth and comfort, and I just could not have asked for a better fit. May I thank you very much for your thoughtfulness in sending me such an excellent gift.

The package was received on 18 December--quite some time ago, but this has been the first time I’ve had to myself to take care of some personal correspondence.

The reason is that a couple days after, we were forced to face the enemy; and since then, we were on the go right along. Rather a nice way to have spent the holidays, isn’t it? As a result of all the commotion, I lost all of my personal belongings plus my Christmas packages which I had received a few days before. The only gift which was saved was your sweater, and only because I was wearing it. I’m so glad now that I had it on my person, otherwise I would have lost it too.

In closing, may I express my wishes for the continued success of the Bryant Service Club, and once again, thank you very much.

John [Transcription ends]