
John S. Renza


[Transcription begins]

Cpl John S Renza, 31382992
158th Engineer C Battalion
APO 230, %Postmaster
27 April 1944

U. S. A.

Dear Miss Blaney,

It has been some time since I have last heard from you. I thought I did have a letter coming from you, but evidently enough time has gone by to prove to me that I must be wrong.

Somehow or other, my memories of Bryant cannot creep out of my mind. It seems to me as though my time spent there has been years of happiness and success. Maybe it is the time of the year, the season, and the wonderful picturesque environment of England that recalls to my mind such memories. Wherever I turn here, I’m surrounded by large patches of beautiful green grass, similar to your campus. This country is really extraordinary in beauty; I suppose you already know this for a fact, for you must have gone through it in your travels.

A few days ago, I received a letter from Dick Hearn. Of course he told me that he had been home on furlough and up to visit you people. I somewhat envied him for he and I had our furloughs together the last time. As it so happens and is the case, we are so far away from each other and will remain to be like that for some time.

How is everything up at school coming along? I understand there have been a few changes made in the staff. Is Dotty Hines still there? You tell her that I’m asking for her, and remember me to everyone else. I shall have to close now for my paper is limited.

I surely would like to hear from you in the very near future.

John [Transcription ends]