
Edith Speert

Document Type

Personal Letter

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[Transcription begins]

In bed

9 p.m.

My most beloved darling,

While I was in town today, I bought you some stationer & couldn’t resist this stuff for myself. It is novel—eh?

Altho’ this stationery lets you know it’s “blue Monday” & the weather being “bleak & dreary” tried to impress me so, it was a good day for me. I started work.

Cleve. now has a school used primarily for giving the teacher one week’s orientation work. To me, the lectures so far have been everything I’ve heard before & of course, our observations of the children is uninteresting to me in that I’d rather work than observe. The teach[er] in change [sic], Miss Cadle, is a rather young girl & seems to want to be cooperative. However, I sort of resent her, as I like to have a free hand in a school & in this system, your initiative is “squelched” by both the head teacher & the supervisor. From a “work standpoint” I’d have been far happier in Texas; but—perhaps L’ll [sic] get something out of working here—if only $130.00 per four wks.

I think my volunteer work will somewhat compensate for what I miss during the day.

Last night Uk slept with me & we talked until the “wee hrs of the nite.” Naturally, we discussed our family, friends & concluded with a lengthy discussion on sex. That kid is really smart, Bubs!

Darling—it seems that all I do is think of you—no matter whom I meet & see—I talk about you.

Today, 3 other teachers started the orientation course with me. Eileen (a college grad. but former defense plant worker); Margaret, a Japanese girl, sent from a Relocation Camp in Calif., who has only had volunteer training in the field, Blanche, a colored girl, college backgr., with 3 yrs. experience in Youngstown, O.

Margaret lives with some people here in Shaker, so I imagine we will have some interesting discussions on the Rapid. There are quite a number of Jap-Am. girls employed in the various phases of work in the Welfare field in Cleve.

However, Blanche is the most interesting of the group. She has served on an inter-racial councel [sic] in Cleve., traveled the country (inc. La.) & comes from a very cultured family. I’d certainly like to see more of her.

Anyhow, I naturally told the girls all about my wonderful hubby!

Babinyon—I’m sure you’re on your way as I didn;t [sic] receive any mail from you today. Good luck, my sweets & hurry home!—I’ll be waiting’!

Sweetheart—I sent in a subscription for you & Morty to Coronet. Also—would you like a lighter?—Is there anything else I can send you as I’m making up your Xmas package?

Oh, yes—Gloria Talisman Cohen (Sgt. Marv Cohen’s wife (he’s one of the red-headed Cohens) gave birth!

Mort & the family are still running around seeing people. Wed. night, I guess, we’ll have people here, & so I invited your family over. Then this week-end Mort is going to Comumbus [sic].

Tomorrow & Wednesday I work 9-5; Thurs. 8-4; Fri. 10-6; & Sat. I only work 8-12—I have a ½ day off. You see, we take hrs. even to work in the “orientation nursery.” I’ll no doubt be assigned to Glenville, 105th & St. Clair, but it’s not definite, as yet.

I adore you, my sweets!

All my love forever,


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