Document Type



The work was created to shed light on the current finaicial situation and how it will affect Generation Z into retirement.

First Faculty Advisor

Mara Derderian

Second Faculty Advisor

David Beausejour


retirement; gen Z; housing; government


Bryant University

Rights Management



As Gen Z is moving into the workforce, it is becoming more evident that they are going to have a tough time being able to retire. Generation Z, born from 1995 to 2008 is one of the youngest Generations that has seen the most financial strife in their developing years, than any other generation. Even so, this generation has seen a lot of financial struggles they will continue to see them into the future. This study looks at a variety of different factors to help determine the severity of retirement for Generation Z. Some factors that will be looked at are things like government intervention, housing, wealth versus debt, similarities to the great depression as well as predictive models and theories. Looking at the context of these factors shows how Gen Z will either prosper or be hindered in their progression of wealth and financial freedom. This study will also analyze survey results conducted to see what Gen Z’s initial ideas of retirement are, and their outlook on their future. From the data it shows that Gen Z has a favorable outlook on today’s economy but a mixed when it comes to retirement.
