Document Type

Personal Letter

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[Transcription begins]

Lovell General Hospital

Fort Devens, Mass.

April 3, 1942

Dear Mom,

I went on duty for the first time to-day. We get up at 5:30 a.m. The bugle blows reveille at six and shortly thereafter troops are marching down the road. There are only a few barraoks [sic] across the street and the hospital all alone at the top of a hill. We truly have to walk miles if we don’t get the bus.

We go on duty at seven—I am on a surgical ward—unlike civilian hospitals the patients have already breakfasted and they also make their own beds when able and police the ward. The nurses tend to the sick ones[‘] temps, B/P and medications.

I am off 9 – 1 to-day then work until seven to-night. Once the patients are up and about they are given passes to go to the PX, commissary and even into town.

The meals are excellent and I won’t [cut off—illegible]. We are wearing our white civilian uniforms until our service uniforms come in. We have to buy our uniforms—have a uniform allowance—also our Lt bars. I had to borrow a white cap from another nurse for duty.

Well, Mom and Dad—I am getting into the routine. The bugle wakes us up and puts us to sleep.

How is everything at home—please send me brother Ray’s address.



Started our inoculations up at Devens—tetanus—needles for hot countries and cold countries—which will it be? My arms are sore!

[Transcription ends]

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