Document Type

Personal Letter


Katherine Trickey; WWII

Rights Management

All rights retained by Bryant University


[Transcription begins]

Monday Feb. 14


Camp Wheeler, Georgia

Dear Folks,

Got your letter of Feb 10 Saturday P.M. (You see mail comes very quickly,) also the papers. I am enclosing the signed Registration Blank – The more I think about going to Camp for vacation, the more it seems as if that might not be the best thing to do. I should of course want to see Aunt Grace & Beverly & also Aunt Ruth & Uncle Walter and I’ll have only 7 days at home at the most. Perhaps it would be better to go to Bangor just for a couple of days and stay overnight at the Y or something, just Mother & I maybe or something, or perhaps I could get gas enough so we could drive over. I may be able to get extra gas for my furlough I don’t know. Anyway don’t try to plan very much because everything is so uncertain as to when I can come and I’ll not know for a while anyway. I don’t want you to have to work so hard getting ready for me to come that you’ll not enjoy my being there.

(second page)

I went to Macon Sat. evening and shopped for little things. Didn’t stay very late. Yesterday I took the day off & stayed in bed & read until 4 o’clock In the afternoon. We had bought rolls & cookies in town so I didn’t even go to dinner. Last night we went to a piano concert at the Service Club & then I went to bed early again. That’s all the news since I wrote before.

I’ll write again soon.



[Transcription ends]