Document Type

Personal Letter


Katherine Trickey; WWII

Rights Management

All rights retained by Bryant University



Camp Wheeler,Georgia

9 February 1944

Dear Folks,

Nothing much of interest this week. I had Sat. Afternoonoff and went to Macon by myself and did some shopping. I got the cutest aporn[apron] and cap saying "Nurses ·Aide" for Janice birthday and shall mail it next week. I found a very nice children's shop which will be a temptaion [temptation] I'm afraid. The girls met me in town for supper and we eat at a place called Len Berg’s. It is down an alley where you 'd never think of going if you didn't know about it. There is no sign on the main street at all. But the food is very good and the prices very reasonable. The place is usually so crowded that you have to wait about an hour for a place to eat, but we got there early and had good luck. We had tried twice before but had had to wait toolong .

We came back to camp to the movies as we wanted to see Greer Garson and Walter Pigeon in Madame Curie.It was very good.

Sunday I was on K .P. all day. More fun!! It really wasn't too bad we got through about 6 o'clock as we have early chow on Sunday.

I was scheduled to have K.P. Sat.and when I told Lt. Poslik, he didn 't like it and called Lt . Stokes and told her He needed me here on Sat. So she changed me to Sunday. I wasn't going to say anthing, [anything] but Lt. Poslik asked me if they put me on Sunday (He thought I shouldn't be on at all) and I said yes. He was very apologetic about having changed me and gave me Sat afternoon and Monday afternoon off to make up for it!! I went in town Monday afternoon and had my hair done. But I'm not satisfied with it. I can’t do much with it as it isn't long enough to curl well and too long to wave well.

Monday evening we went to watch the rehearsal of the WAC show that the Special Services Office is putting on and then went to the Service Club . We got there just in time for a band concernt [concert] which we hadn’t known about. I guess we'll go next Monday night too. It was good. Last night we went to the Boxing matches. Camp Wheeler vs Camp Stewart. Not particularly good but fun to go to. We marched both ways about eight of us and Lt.Duval.Sand all the way down and back also. I'm getting so I can walk fairly well without puffing!!

Tonight is a G.I. Information Show put on by the 12th Battalion between their trainees and the WACs.

By the way speaking of Battalions. In some of the cards and pictures I've sent home it shows some of the barracks.You might like to know something of the layout of the Camp. I’ll try to draw it for you. We aren’t allowed to take pictures but I guess my sketch won’t be breaking rules. The Camp is made up of Battalion Areas like this.

[There are three pages of sketches showing the Camp areas.]

The cookies will be fine for my birthday. They are enough. I shall be buying summer pyjamas (size 42) silk undervests, and stockings but don’t feel you need to send me things. I’ll have sufficient money to buy them.

Must stop now and do some work for a change

