Items listed include publications with journal articles written and edited by Information Systems and Analytics Department faculty. Prior to the spring of 2023, this department was known as the Computer Information Systems Department. Publications and research are from the previous and current departments and begin in 1992 and extend to the present


Submissions from 2025


A Benchmark Comparison of a Domain-Focused Pipeline with ChatGPT, Chen Zhang, Tingting Zhao, Hakan Saraoglu, and David A. Louton

Manuscripts from 2024


AI Chatbots in Education: A Comparative Analysis at Bryant University, David A. Gannon, Terri A. Hasseler, Suhong Li, Philip Lombardi, Allison Papini, and ML Tlachac

Submissions from 2023


An Illustration of Using Adaptive Data Mining to Develop Strategic Knowledge Bases for Student Retention, Pi-Sheng Deng and Abhijit Chaudhury

Submissions from 2022


Cost-Aware Generalized α-Investing for Multiple Hypothesis Testing, Thomas Cook, Harsh Vardhan Dubey, Ji Ah Lee, Guangyu Zhu, Tingting Zhao, and Patrick Flaherty

Submissions from 2021


Idea Co-creation on Social Media Platforms: Towards a Theory of Social Ideation, Pratyush Bharati, Kui Du, Abhijit Chaudhury, and Narendra M. Agrawal


Cultural Difference and Consumer Satisfaction When Interacting With Technology Mediated Customer Services, Suhong Li, Kamel Rouibah, Hal Records, and Robert Behling


Developing a Distinctive Consulting Capstone Course in a Supply Chain Curriculum, Christopher Roethlein, Teresa McCarthy, John K. Visich, Suhong Li, and Michael Gravier


Evolution of an Enterprise Information System Toward Omni-Channel Retailing: a case study, Francis Varin and Abhijit Chaudhury

Submissions from 2020


Idea Co-creation on Social Media Platforms: towards a theory of social ideation, Pratyush Bharati, Kui Du, Abhijit Chaudhury, and Narendra M. Agrawal


From Engagement to Empowerment: Project-Based Learning in Python Coding Courses, Mark Frydenberg and Kevin Mentzer


Individual Perceptions of the Internet of Things, Richard Glass, Suhong Li, and Kyle Ebersold


Understanding Blockchain Through Social Media, Suhong Li and Richard Glass


Mechanisms of High Concentration Valine-Mediated Inhibition of Peach Tree Shoot Growth, Suhong Li, Yuansong Xiao, Futian Peng, Qingtao Gong, Ziyi Bao, Yanyan Li, and Xuelian Wu


Measuring and Unpacking Affective Polarization on Twitter: The Role of Party and Gender in the 2018 Senate Races, Kevin Mentzer, Kate Fallon, Janet Prichard, and David Yates


Teaching Applications and Implications of Blockchain via Project-Based Learning: A Case Study, Kevin Mentzer, Mark Frydenberg, and David J. Yates


Music March Madness: Predicting the Winner of Locura de Marzo, Kevin Mentzer, Zachary Galante, Brenna Rojek, and Rachel Cardarelli


Virtual Water Flows Embodied in International and Interprovincial Trade of Yellow River Basin: A Multiregional Input-Output Analysis, Guilian Tian, Xiaosheng Han, Chen Zhang, Jiaojiao Li, and Jinjing Liu

Submissions from 2019


A Preliminary Investigation of Quality Metrics and Performance for Selected Institutions Delivering Technology Mediated Higher Education, Suhong Li, Kamel Rouibah, Hal Records, and Robert Behling

The Effects of Sampling Methods on Machine Learning Models for Predicting Long-term Length of Stay: A Case Study of Rhode Island Hospitals, Son Nguyen, Alicia T. Lamere, Alan Olinsky, and John Quinn


Blockchain Technology and The Current Discussion on Fraud, Linh Phan, Suhong Li, and Kevin Mentzer

Submissions from 2018

Assimilation of Big Data Innovation: Investigating the Roles of IT, Social Media, and Relational Capital, Pratyush Bharati and Abhijit Chaudhury


A Comparison of Information Technology Mediated Customer Services Between the U.S. and China, Suhong Li, Hal Records, and Robert Behling

Postponement and international transfer in global supply chains, Thomas Ngniatedema, Thierry Romual Dzati Kamga, Louis Aimé Fono, Georges Dieudonné Mbondo, and Suhong Li

Predictive Modeling for Imbalanced Big Data in SAS Enterprise Miner and R, Son Nguyen, Alan Olinsky, John Quinn, and Phyllis Schumacher

Leveraging social media to achieve a community policing agenda, Christine B. Williams, Jane Fedorowicz, Andrea Kavanaugh, Kevin Mentzer, Jason Bennett Thatcher, and Jennifer Xu

Submissions from 2015


Better knowledge with social media? Exploring the roles of social capital and organizational knowledge management, Pratyush Bharati, Wei Zhang, and Abhijit Chaudhury

Submissions from 2014


Social Media Assimilation in Firms: Investigating the Roles of Absorptive Capacity and Institutional Pressures, Pratyush Bharati, C. Zhang, and Abhijit Chaudhury


Computer Security in the Introductory Business Information Systems Course: A Follow-Up Study of Textbook Coverage, Kenneth J. Sousa, Laurie E. MacDonald, and Kenneth T. Fougere

Submissions from 2013


Social Media and Evolving Marketing Communication Using IT, Mario Recine, Janet Prichard, and Abhijit Chaudhury


The Effect of Contemporary Learning Approaches on Student Perceptions in an Introductory Business Course, Kenneth Sousa

Submissions from 2010


Impact of Knowledge Acquisition on Technology Assimilation, Abhijit Chaudhury and Pratyush Bharati

Submissions from 2009


SMEs and Competitiveness: The Role of Information Systems, Pratyush Bharati and Abhijit Chaudhury

Submissions from 2008


Small Business and the Internet: A Measurement of Use, Kenneth T. Fougere, Kenneth J. Sousa, and Laurie E. MacDonald


A Value-at-Risk Approach to Information Security Investment, Jingguo Wang, Abhijit Chaudhury, and H. Raghav Rao

Submissions from 2007


Managing Instant Messaging Security: A Pilot Study of Recommended Practices, Laurie MacDonald, Kenneth T. Fougere, and Kenneth Sousa

Submissions from 2006


Studying the Current Status of Technology Adoption, Pratyush Bharati and Abhijit Chaudhury

Submissions from 2005


Knowledge Acquisition via Three Learning Processes in Enterprise Information Portals: Learning-by-Investment, Learning-by-Doing, and Learning-from-Others, Chungsuk Ryu, Yong Jin Kim, Abhijit Chaudhury, and H. Raghav Rao


Computer Security in the Introductory Business Information Systems Course: An Exploratory Study of Textbook Coverage, Kenneth Sousa, Kenneth T. Fougere, and Laurie MacDonald


The Impact Of Technology In Teaching Freshman Economics: A Quantitative Approach, Kenneth J. Sousa and Sam Mirmirani

Submissions from 2004


An Empirical Investigation of Decision-Making Satisfaction in Web-Based Decision Support Systems, Pratyush Bharati and Abhijit Chaudhury


Using Choice-boards to Create Business Value, Pratyush Bharati and Abhijit Chaudhury

Submissions from 2003


COBOL's Role in a College Curriculum--A Pilot Study, Kenneth T. Fougere, Kenneth Sousa, and Laurie MacDonald


A Relationship Perspective on IT Outsourcing, Rajib Kishore, H. R. Rao, K. Nam, S. Rajagopalan, and Abhijit Chaudhury


A Relationship Perspective on IT Outsourcing, Rajiv Kishore, H. R. Rao, K. Nam, S. Rajagopalan, and Abhijit Chaudhury

Submissions from 2001


Web Channels in E-Commerce, Abhijit Chaudhury, Debasish N. Mallick, and H. Raghav Rao


Web Channels in E-Commerce, Abhijit Chaudhury, Debasish N. Mallick, and H. Raghav Rao


The Internet, Value Chain Visibility, and Learning, Hee-dong Yang, Robert M. Mason, and Abhijit Chaudhury

Submissions from 2000


E-Commerce Technologies and Information Systems Curricula, Abhijit Chaudhury and Ho Raghav Rao


Technology Management Education in MBA Programs: A Comparative Study of Knowledge and Skill Requirements, Debasish N. Mallick and Abhijit Chaudhury

Submissions from 1996


Software re-engineering: concepts and methodology, Kenneth Sousa, Robert Behling, and Chris Behling

Submissions from 1995


Management of Information Systems Outsourcing: A Bidding Perspective, Abhijit Chaudhury, Kichan Nam, and H. Raghav Rao


A Mixed Integer Model of Bidding Strategies For Outsourcing, K. Nam, Abhijit Chaudhury, and H. Raghav Rao


Modeling Team Processes: Issues and a Specific Example, H. Raghav Rao, Abhijit Chaudhury, and M. Chakka

Submissions from 1992


A Conceptual Model of Adaptive Knowledge-Based Systems, Pi-Sheng Deng and Abhijit Chaudhury


MUDRAPLAN -- A DSS for Media Planning: From Design to Utilization, Sukumar Rathnam, M. R. Arun, Abhijit Chaudhury, and P. R. Shukla