
WWII;Robert H. Dunbar, Jr.;David Larsen;Emery Cormier;Carlton Burnham

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[Transcription begins]
16 December 1943

To the Members of The Bryant Service Club--

It was indeed with great pleasure and enjoyment that I received your swell gift to me at Christmastime. Makes a fellow feel good to know someone back home is thinking of him and wants to brighten up the old Army life for him. My friends & I certainly made short work of the candy. Hard candy is liked best by the fellows in the service as it comes through the mails in excellent shape and keeps fresh.

Since I left home for the Service, I have heard from no one connected with Bryant and have often wondered where the fellows went. Would you be willing to send me the addresses of these three chums if they have at all corresponded with your group?

David Larsen
Emery Cormier
Carlton Burnham

I have seen Henry G. Jackson in the vicinity of Providence in months gone by, and am wondering where he can be at the present time. I believe he was with the Coast Guard at that time. These fellows I believe compromised the male element of my class of 1940. Think I heard somewhere that Dave Larsen had gone to England. Heard from him yet? Carlton B. was in Florida in the Navy & gosh knows where Emery C. went.

If you could contact these fellows for me, I would appreciate it very much. They may write me at the following address:

Mr. Robert H. Dunbar
Riverdale Station
Box 66
Dayton 5, Ohio.

The Mr. is something I can't explain now, but it must be as is. Anyone out this way that you people know in the Service? Be glad to contact them for you.

Well, thanks again for the swell gift and remember me to everyone at Bryant. How is Mr. Handy's orchestra?

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to you all.

Robert H. Dunbar, Jr.
[Transcription ends]