Document Type


First Faculty Advisor

Baran, Stanley


Greek Life; Media; Stereotypes


Bryant University

Rights Management

All rights retained by Briana Trifiro and Bryant University


Stereotypes are an undeniable aspect of today’s society. As demonstrated through a variety of mass communication theories, stereotypes are often formed as a result of exposure to mass media images. This concept is especially important today, as media messages permeate daily life in a variety of ways. From the news, to social media, to movies and television – media messaging is everywhere and impacts people on a daily basis. The purpose of this study is to produce a documentary video which demonstrates how negative media portrayals of Greek life lead to the formulation of stereotypes about college students affiliated with fraternities and sororities nationwide. This study incorporates interviews from a cross section of Greek and non-Greek students who attend Bryant University. By contrasting these interviews with examples taken from popular movies and television shows, the aim of the study is to demonstrate that negative images contribute to negative stereotypes of Greek-affiliated men and women nationwide.
