Document Type


First Faculty Advisor

Judy McDonnell

Second Faculty Advisor

Tom Zammerelli


STEM; women; misogyny


Bryant University

Rights Management



For too long, women have been left out of the narrative as pioneers in STEM fields. The purpose of this thesis is to evaluate the barriers to entry women face to achieve equitable recognition in STEM fields. Specifically looking at The Nobel Prize Organization, they have yet to transform their processes to allow women to overcome gender socialization and attain equal levels of success like men. Misogyny, for the purpose of this thesis, is categorized as a prejudice against the structural advancement of women, and the individual, and institutional ways gender bias is perpetuated through STEM. Through IRB approved interviews of women in STEM, and a culmination of diverse research and analysis globally, the findings from this thesis indicate a strong bias against women in the Nobel Prize process which is a pro-longed side-effect of gender socialization, and gender roles negatively influencing women’s career advancement leading to a divergence from STEM early on in womanhood.

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