Appleby Hall located at 100 Charlesfield Street in Providence, RI was a Bryant College dormitory for men. Appleby Hall was named after Ray Lucien Appleby, Class of 1927. Lucien was employed by Bryant from 1928-1932 and then returned to the college in 1938 and remained until he passed away on June 14, 1968. During these years Lucien held various positions - he was a faculty member in investments from 1928-1956, then was secretary and assistant treasurer, and trustee, and in 1961 was elected treasurer and vice president of the college.

Appleby was the first person to carry the Harriet Jacobs Mace at Bryant's 1964 commencement. At Bryant's 1967 commencement, Appleby was awarded an honorary degree, Doctor of Science in Business Administration.

Appleby Hall was dedicated on October 22, 1968 and was sold to Brown University in 1969.

You hear more about our East Side Campus in this short video.



Appleby Hall Side View With Students, Bryant University


Appleby Hall View of Front Entrance, Bryant University


Appleby Hall, 100 Charlesfield Street, Providence, RI