
WWII;Robert G. Bergman

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[Transcription begins]
14 January 1945

Hello Bryant:

I received your bulletin and wish to express my appreciation for it. There’s a real warm spot in this body of mine set aside especially for Bryant & the swell times I’ve had there.

It seems that every bulletin I get has news of at least another of my former professors.

What is the latest information concerning Major H. J. Lee?

My congratulations to Mr. Naylor and I also hope that Mr. Appleby’s illness will soon be gone. I hope they remember me (Scott House ’40 – 41) as well as I remember them.

My best wishes to all at Bryant for a very pleasant New Year.

Sincerely yours,
Bob Bergman ‘42

Cpt. Bob Bergman ‘7160
382nd Grp. 464th Sqdn.
Salina Kansas.
[Transcription ends]