
WWII;Robert G. Bergman;AAF;Truax Field

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ADDRESS 618th T.S.S. Zone 7
Truax Fld., Madison, Wis.

January 3, 1943

Dear Bryant Service Club:

I have just received your most welcome letter-bulletin and I wish to say that it is as wonderful a missive as I could hope to receive.

I had heard that my classmate, Ben Scuda, was missing in action. Imagine my joy to read that he not only had been found, but that he was back in this country and had visited Bryant.

Words fail me to describe the [happiness] I derive from reading of the different students returning for a visit; of Mrs. Costas blessed event; of Mr. Naylor’s eventful step. In my opinion that pretty “school-marm” in Woonsocket sure got herself a prize package.

I’m sorry to hear that Scott House no longer houses boys. I spent an extremely enjoyable semester there back in ’39 – ’40. I believe a few members of the faculty still remember that group of fellows & their merry pranks.

I’ve done a bit of traveling since my last correspondence, which was from Atlantic City, N.J. Since then I have been to Greensboro, N.C., Scott Field, Ill. and now Truax Field, Madison, Wis. I am preparing to enter Radio Mechanic School & have hopes of going into the field of Radar.

At this time I have not received your Christmas package but I shall certainly inform you when I do.

Sincerely yours,
Bob Bergman ‘42
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