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4 April, 1944

Bryant Service Club Members:

Thanks loads for the cigarettes you sent me for Easter. They are more than appreciated. I like the flats to keep in my desk drawer at the office, and I do keep them in the drawer, otherwise they would just disappear like magic. Honestly the girls here at Headquarters, both WACs and civilians, can do away with more cigarettes in a day than a fellow uses in a week.

The base here at Miami Beach is breaking up and we are moving our Headquarters to San Antonia, Texas. I sure do hate to leave Florida….it is a swell place to be stationed…..really a playground. But all can’t be sugar and spice when you are in the service. I realize that I've been a lot more fortunate than most of the boys to be stationed here for two years.

I’ll send you my new address when I get moved and thanks again for the gift.

Best Wishes
Bert Bullock

T/Sgt. Bertram F. Bullock - 31120014
379 Base Hq. +& Air. Base Sq.
Miami Beach, Florida

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