Bryant University features a supportive community of faculty and students who perform innovative research.
Many faculty members at Bryant perform research in various disciplines intersecting with health and healthcare. The CHBS announced the appointment of 15 Faculty Fellows from seven departments, representing the College of Business and the College of Arts and Sciences. The Faculty Fellows conduct research and collaborate on new program development, and they also provide opportunities and mentorship for student research projects.


Manuscripts from 2021


Emojis and Assertive Environmental Messages in Social Media Campaigns, Tae Hyun Baek, Seeun Kim, Sukki Yoon, Yung Kyun Choi, Dongwon Choi, and Hyejin Bang


Message assertiveness and price discount in prosocial advertising: differences between Americans and Koreans, Hyejin Bang, Dongwon Choi, Sukki Yoon, Tae Hyun Baek, and Yeonshin Kim


Diamide Antimicrobial Agents, Amit Basu, Christopher W. Reid, Nola Camille Iwasaki, and Joseph Prete


Human Rights and Tobacco Control, Andrea Boggio


Model Legislation and the Transnational Governance of Human Heritable Gene Editing, Andrea Boggio


The Right to Participate In and Enjoy the Benefits of Scientific Progress and its Applications: A Conceptual Map, Andrea Boggio


IVF and Assisted Reproduction: A Global History, Andrea Boggio, Nicola J. Marks, Vera Mackie, and Sarah Ferber


The Regulation of Human Germline Genome Modification (HGGM) at the National Level: A Call for Comprehensive Legal Reform, Andrea Boggio, Cesare P.R. Romano, and Jessica Almqvist


Gene editing of human embryos is not contrary to human rights law: A reply to Drabiak, Andrea Boggio and Rumiana Yotova


Anything He Can Do, She Can Do Better: Children’s Attitudes About Gender and Occupations, Ryan Brown and Nanci Weinberger


You′re brave, I′ll be your friend: Children's evaluations of peers with cancer, Jane Gradwohl Nash and Nanci Weinberger


Predicting bid protests: What should sourcing teams (not) do?, Timothy G. Hawkins, Michael Gravier, and Suman Niranjan


Ethical Dissonance in Environmental Advertising: Moderating Effects of self-benefit Versus other-benefit Appeals, Woojin Kim, Yuhosua Ryoo, Sukki Yoon, and Kacy Kim


The Role of Emotional Sensitivity to Probability in the Decision to Choose Genetic Testing, Heather P. Lacey


Cultural Difference and Consumer Satisfaction When Interacting With Technology Mediated Customer Services, Suhong Li, Kamel Rouibah, Hal Records, and Robert Behling


Gym Membership Programs: Image Motivation and Conditional Discount Framing, Xiaofei Pan and Sukki Yoon


The impact of COVID-19 on consumer evaluation of authentic advertising messages, Jooyoung Park, Jungkeun Kim, Daniel C. Lee, Seongseop S. Kim, Benjamin G. Voyer, Changju Kim, Billy Sung, Hector Gonzalez-Jimenez, Fernando Fastoso, Yung K. Choi, and Sukki Yoon


The Legacy of Tanzanian Musicians Muhidin Gurumo and Hassan Bitchuka: Rhumba Kiserebuka!, Alex Perullo


Recycle System Design for End-of-Life Electronics in Developing Countries, Pedro M. Reyes, Jianghong Man, Patrick Jaska, John K. Visich, and Michael Gravier


Developing a Distinctive Consulting Capstone Course in a Supply Chain Curriculum, Christopher Roethlein, Teresa McCarthy, John K. Visich, Suhong Li, and Michael Gravier


Receptors and Channels Associated with Alcohol Use: Contributions from Drosophila, Kristin M. Scaplen and Emily Petruccelli


Long Haul COVID: A Survivor’s Guide: Transform Your Pain & Find Your Way Forward, Joseph Trunzo and Julie Luongo


Information Source’s Influence on Vaccine Perceptions: An Exploration into Perceptions of Knowledge, Risk and Safety, Julie E. Volkman, Kirsten L. Hokeness, Chris R. Morse, Alyce Viens, and Alexandra Dickie


Predictors of Online Patient Portal Use among a Diverse Sample of Emerging Adults: A Cross-Sectional Survey, Julie Volkman, Julie Wright, Suzanne Leveille, and Daniel Amante


Child Life Specialists’ Evaluation of Hospital Playroom Design: A Mixed Method Inquiry, Nanci Weinberger, Allison Butler, Beth Mcgee, Phyllis A. Schumacher, and Ryan Linn Brown


Leveraged Marketing Communications: The Importance of Studying the Transfer of Object-to-Brand Associations, Sukki Yoon, Yung Kyun Choi, and Charles R. Taylor

Manuscripts from 2020


What if I am the one? Measuring individual differences in emotional sensitivity to probability and emotional reactivity to possibility, Heather P. Lacey, Steven C. Lacey, Laura D. Scherer, and Brian J. Zikmund-Fisher