Manuscripts from 2023
The EU Boycott of Russian Scientists and the Right to Science in the Shadow of Ukraine’s Invasion, Andrea Boggio
Innovation Nation: Teaching Middle School Students to be Design Thinkers, Allison Butler, Heather P. Lacey, Michael A. Roberto, Deborah Hanney, and Nina Luiggi
“I Feel Like the Risks Far Outweigh the Benefits of the Vaccinations”: Investigating Vaccine Risk Perceptions, Emotions, and the PRISM Framework, Ashleigh Day, Julie E. Volkman PhD, Chris Morse, and Kirsten Hokeness
Why, Did I Lose? Debriefing Quality and its Effects on Justice, Protests, and Sales Loss Attributions, Timothy G. Hawkins, Mike Wittmann, Michael Gravier, Suman Niranjan, and William A. Muir
Getting an A with the 3Cs: Chromosome Conformation Capture for Undergraduates, Acadia Joniec, Joseph Leszczynski, Sokhna Ndoye, Jillian Sylvia, and Steven Weicksel