Items listed here may include publications such as complete books, chapters in books, encyclopedic type entries, and/or books edited by Communication Department faculty. Entries are prior to the creation of the Communications and Language Studies Department in Fall 2023. For publications after that date, please click on the following link: Communications and Language Studies Faculty Book Publications.


Manuscripts from 2013

Measurement, Christopher Morse

The Theory of Motivated Information Management, Christopher Morse

Experimental, Christopher Morse, B. Quick, Julie E. Volkman, and Bryan B. Whaley

Manuscripts from 2010


Imagined Interaction Conflict- Linkage Theory: Examining Accounts of Recurring Imagined Interactions, T. H. Allen and Kristen M. Berkos

Introduction to Mass Communication: Media Literacy and Culture, Stanley J. Baran


The Role of Imagined Interactions in Computer Mediated Communication, Kristen M. Berkos

Manuscripts from 2009

Expanding the Role of Emotion in the Theory of Motivated Information Management, Walid A. Afifi and Christopher Morse

Mass Communication Theory: Foundations, Ferment and Future, Stanley J. Baran and Dennis K. Davis


Developing Relationships, Christopher Morse and Sandra Metts

Manuscripts from 2005

Using the Internet to Conduct Communication Research: Two Scholars' Experiences, Traci Lynn Anderson and Tara L. Crowell

Manuscripts from 2003

Friendship Interaction Skills Across the Lifespan, Wendy Samter

Manuscripts from 2002


Media violence, Kevin Pearce


Paladin Press, Kevin Pearce

Public Perceptions of Media Functions at the Beginning of the War on Terrorism, E. Perse, N. Signorielli, J. Courtright, Wendy Samter, S. Caplan, J. Lambe, and X. Cai

Manuscripts from 1996

Margaret McLaughlin, Wendy Samter

Manuscripts from 1994

A Social Skills Analysis of Relationship Maintenance: How Individual Differences in Communication Skills Affect the Achievement of Relationship Functions, Brant R. Burleson and Wendy Samter

Unsupportive Relationships: Deficiencies in the Support-giving Skills of the Lonely Person's Friends, Wendy Samter

Manuscripts from 1993

Cognitive and Motivational Influences on Spontaneous Comforting Behavior, Wendy Samter and Brant R. Burleson

Manuscripts from 1990

VCR and People's Control of Their Leisure Time, Stanley J. Baran

Mass Media Effects on Political Cognition: How Readers Images of Journalists Shape Newspaper Impact, Stanley J. Baran and K. Schoenbach

The Known World of Broadcast News: International News and the Electronic Media, Stanley J. Baran and Roger Wallis

Manuscripts from 1986

Automobile Position and the Construction of Social Reality, Stanley J. Baran

Manuscripts from 1983

Self, Symbols and Society: An Introduction to Mass Communication, Stanley J. Baran, Timothy P. Meyer, and Jerilyn S. McIntyre

Manuscripts from 1980

The Viewer's Television Book, Stanley J. Baran

Mass Communication and Everyday Life: A Perspective on Theory and Effects, Stanley J. Baran and Dennis K. Davis

Manuscripts from 1977

Effects of Prosocial and Antisocial Television Content on Children with Varying Degrees of Self-esteem and Different Television Character Preferences, Stanley J. Baran and T. P. Meyer

Manuscripts from 1976

Imitation and Identification: Zwei Meteinander Vereinbare Ansatze Um Socialen Lerne Uber Medien, Stanley J. Baran and T. P. Meyer