"Letter Written by Paul R. Cone to the Bryant College Service Club Date" by Paul R. Cone


Paul R. Cone


WWII;Paul R. Cove;

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[Transcription begins]

Dec. 24, 1943

The Bryant College Service Club Providence, Rhode Island

Dear Friends:

I want to acknowledge your gift of a box of candy. Thank you very much—it helps to know that your friends think of you and that friends that you have never met, but who are attending Bryant or connected with it, are interested in you.

I entered into Army life on Oct. 5 then Ft. Custer, Mich. While my wife and I were standing in the Service Club one Saturday evening, I saw Danny Sullivan, Class of ’36, of Fall River, Mass. Surely seemed [good?] to see a classmate. He had just arrived there also and was there for MP training. Naturally, he was lonesome for New England, and his family. I shared some coat hangers with him since his had not yet caught up with him.

I was “Bingo-ed” out to Finance School at Ft. Benjamin Harrison, Indianapolis, Ind. One morning just as I was finishing chow, a soldier side of me, said, “Isn’t this Cove?” Here was Bill Lambert who was supposed to be out on bivouac but had come in for a cold treatment. I think bill is of Class ’37. He told me Mr. Gulski had been ill. Hope he is in top form again!

I was finally shipped to Camp Grant to a Medical Replacement Training Center. I have had quite a bit of training in hospital work & hope to get into Med. Administrative work.

Thanks again for the gift. If you have anything in the way of a pictoral showing staff & bldgs. I would appreciate a copy. Would seem good to see the pictures.

Paul R. Cove, ‘36

Pvt. Paul R. Cone, 36881044
Company B, 31st Med Eng Bn
4th Platoon
Camp Grant, Illinois

P. S. Expect to be here until end of February.
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