
[Transcription begins]

Lt. W. C. Crawley
Co. A 2691, SAWBn
APO #525
December 17, 1943

Bryant Service Club
Bryant College


Dear Friends,

Thanks a lot for the candy you sent me for Christmas. The motto we have is “Don’t save anything for tomorrow that you can eat today,” so your candy was good. It is nice to know that you back home really are behind us. Nothing is more discouraging than to hear and read of strikes, etc. back home. But thank God that the number who hinder production, etc. are very few compared to those who are behind us 100%. We need all the guns, tanks, radio parts, motors, etc. you can send us. The more we get, the fewer the lives that we will lose. We also need good business men and women back home and that’s what your job at Bryant is. Do the very best you can as fast as you can. We beat the Italians because we are smarter than they are. Fascism suppressed education--we encourage it. We are beating the Germans and Japs because we are better educated than they. Schools and colleges in the States are doing their share for victory and the preservation of the peace to follow depends more on them than anything else.

Thanks again
Wes Crawley
Class of ‘36 [Transcription ends]