
Margaret Doran


World War II;John J. Doran;Margaret Doran

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All rights retained by Bryant University


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314 Elm Street
North Attleboro, Mass.
January 21, 1943

Bryant College Service Club
Bryant College
Providence, Rhode Island

Attention: Clara Blaney


Thank you for your letter of January 19, which I am forwarding to my brother in Texas.

It was most kind of you to send two packages to him. I know that he received the second one because he commented on it in a letter and I immediately wrote to Mr. Gardner Jacobs to express our appreciation.

I do know how much he liked the “chocolate cherries” he received at Christmas time, but I also know that he has been working so hard and such late hours that he probably overlooked writing to thank you. In his administrative capacity he has forty men under him, and twenty-one buildings, plus an officers’ club, an involved accounting system which he had to set up himself, and officers’ accounts to handle. He works about fourteen hours a day and has been too busy to leave the camp even Sundays for months. Although he writes home regularly he often apologizes for not writing more often, saying that he wanted to write but when he got to his quarters he was too tired to do anything but tumble into bed.

Thanks for Johnny, cuz he’s a most appreciative person.

Johnny’s appreciative sister,
Margaret Doran
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