"Letter Written by Dorothy A. Six Clark to William Judson Clark Dated D" by Dorothy A. Six Clark

Document Type

Personal Letter

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All rights retained by Bryant University


Dorothy Six
8 Brookside Avenue
Pelham 65, New York

A/C Judson Clark
Sqdrn 5, Class 45-A
Cadet Detachment
Stewart Field
Newburgh, New York

[Transcription begins]

Dearest Judson,

Just got home & found your letter, darling. Every time I hear from you I just can’t believe I’m so lucky. You’re so wonderful—I’m so glad that you didn’t go to the movies on Sunday, honey, and wrote instead. It was so nice to get such a real long letter from you—I hope you write again tomorrow night (That’s last night)—Very complicated, huh?

I miss you, too, honey. Golly, every week it gets worse & worse or maybe better & better. It all depends on how you look at it. Yes, it did see[m] rather funny to have you put me on a train for a change. I like it anyway. I hate trains now, though. They’re always separating us.

Well, I still don’t know about my job. They haven’t said anything but that’s not good or bad. Don’t know what they’ll do now. I sure do hope they wait until after March, because I do want to get their dresses for when we’re married. I didn’t want to say anything about it this weekend. Oh, well, what will be, will be. (Freddy Slack is playing “A Woman always Pays.”) The words are so right, too.

Oh, honey, my hair doesn’t look well up & I don’t feel comfortable with it up either. The only time I could be happy with it up is in the summer. Honestly, honey, I’d be unhappy with it up & cold besides.

Lord, if you think I look nice in the morning when I wake up, then I’m afraid you’re in for a big disappointment. Oh, the without makeup part isn’t so bad. I have natural color, thank heavens & I never have had to wear any make up but lipstick but oh—well, you’ll have to wait til March to be disillusioned anyway. When I wake up I won’t have just brushed my hair & that will make a big difference—believe me, you won’t like it.

Tell me some more things to do to get you out of bad moods. I don’t think that any of the things you mentioned would be sufficient to do it. I was in a pretty sad mood, too but we both got out of them o.k. Yes, hon, we do have the same moods together. Pretty much the same anyway. I just hope we both never get real mad at the same time. That I wouldn’t like to see.

Yes, hon, for a change we did a lot of talking or rather you did a lot of talking. No, you didn’t say too much. I’m glad that you told me about your little shall we say adventures or what would you like to refer to them as? You know I believe in telling the truth and that I’d much rather have you tell me about things you’ve done than hear about them from someone else. Even if I never did hear about them from anyone else, I’m glad you told me. I hope you’ll always be frank (oh, how can you be when you [are] Judson)—but seriously, honey, I am glad you told me. I hope there aren’t any more but I hope if there are you’ll tell me.

Golly, honey, this war seems to be going on & on & on. I don’t think it will ever end. It would be wonderful if it ended before March. I know how you feel about going over and getting a crack at the Japs but I hate to think of all the kids that are going to be killed before it ends.

I’m afraid a lot of the fellows that I write to aren’t going to be interested in getting any mail from me now that we’re engaged. It will probably change their outlook on the situation a little—Gee, I love you, honey.

Well, my little weather bureau for once you were almost right. It did snow, of course, not when you expected it, at least not here anyway. It was very exciting & I hope we have a white Christmas. That reminds me I have to get a pair of shoes with ties in them so that if it does snow my toes won’t get wet.

I have the simplest mind. Honestly—the way I ramble on & on. How do you ever read my letters more than once. I never read them over. Writing them is confusing enough. They weren’t meant to be read more than once over lightly.

Gee, darling, I love you so. You’re the most wonderful man in the world. I love you so.

Honey, how many hours do you have left out of the thirty you were supposed to have finished at the end of this training? Very many?

Betty Grable is on the Dick Haymes show now—stop drooling!! Gee, Harry James sure did all right for himself. Remember that night at the Meadowbrook? How could you forget. Look what happened. You’re practically a married man!

Got a letter from Bob last night. It was a riot as usual. He said he’s going to come & see me this Christmas & watch me blush. Fine. He didn’t mention what he was going to say but that’s beside the point. He really is a good guy.

I’m glad you like ‘always’ now. Yes, I like “Always” & think that would be a pretty good song—I’m afraid there are a couple of songs, popular now, that remind me of you much more, though. One is “I Didn’t Know About You” and another is “There Goes That Song Again.” (Helen Forest is singing “Don’t Ever Change.” That’s nice too.) Paper Moon & “Her Tears Flowed Like Wine” also remind me of you very much.

Honey, do you think Steve is serious about Woody? Is he going to be your best man? You asked him, didn’t you or didn’t you? Gee, I love you so, honey.

You have all my love so I can’t send you any more.

Oh, this morning I rode down with Woody. She was talking away and I was dreaming about you & she’d be asking me something over five times before I’d notice it. We (she came over to where I work) went to look at raincoats & went home together. She got her report marks or something & they were all good.

Did quite a bit of Christmas shopping this noon time—I was dropping packages all the way home.

Woody just called & I sprayed that spray & am sitting here sniffing. Reminds me of last Saturday night. My father was murdering me to get me off the phone. Well, now I can write you more.

Gee, I love you so, my darling. You’re so wonderful. It’s so nice to be in love with you.

Honey, what do you wish usually? Tell me, please. Darling, I love you so.

Gee, I can imagine you waking me up in the morning—I hate to get up. Jackie was telling me how Greg [?] calls until he’s almost hoarse to get her up but she just rolls over. I detest waking up. Maybe if you’re doing the waking I won’t mind it so much.

Well, sweetheart, I’d better get some of the millions of things I should be doing done—what a sentence! Anyhow, since I got home from work I’ve just eaten & written you.

I love you, honey.

All my love,

the Morse Code I

P. S. I love you, my darling. I hope this week doesn’t take too long.
[Transcription ends]