"Letter Written by William Judson Clark to Dorothy A. Six Clark Dated M" by William Judson Clark

Document Type

Personal Letter


[Translation begins]




My Darling,

We had another mail call today, honey, and I got the letter you wrote Wednsday [sic]. (Yesterday I got the one you wrote Thursday- what a mail system). Gosh it’s swell to hear from you that often angel. Your letters are so long and swell.

The pay vouchers came down with the mail for us to sign so I’ll get paid this month thank goodness, $206.60 too! That’s a slight improvement over cadet pay.

We’re going to leave on the buses that bring the other jokers down here from Craig Saturday so counting blowouts, etc. I might be at the field by 10 o’clock Saturday night, and God knows what time I’ll be able to take off for town what with signing in and getting bedding and cleaning up, it ought to be about 11 however. I’ll call you as soon as I can when I get to Craig honey.

Well baby you can just call me “Ace” for short. Man I really shot the hell out of that target today. I got 85 hits! And it wasn’t luck either, I finally caught on. Gunnery is a funny thing there's a certain knack (that is not right!) nak, nack, nach (that’s a tough one) nack to it, and you’ve just got to keep at it ‘til you get it.

And I think I finally have. Boy I’m glad for the higher scores we get here the better chance we have for an assignment.

Enclosed is a letter from Mom to us. Isn’t that a riot about the measles? I can just see Nanny quarantined with all those kids. I feel sorry for Ace though, I’d go nuts if they ever made me an instructor. Honey I don’t agree with you reasoning about me being able to do more by instructing. I may sound concieted [sic], but my marks prove that I’m a slightly better than average pilot and to instruct you don’t have to be good, just patient. I could do much more overseas while some below average pilot could do the instructing. That’s logical isn’t it honey. I want to be put where I’m best suited, and I’m sure it’s not instructing and so do you, really, honey.

Yeah I agree with you there. Are kids are going to have different names. I still want the girl to be named Leslie, I love that name. And who said the name of the first boy is settled? I’m glad to know that. Something tells me we’re going to have some slight differences over these names. I wish we weren’t so stubborn sometimes. We’ll just have to have about a dozen kids so each of us can name half, ok?

Gosh it will seem funny to live with you again when I come back, those first two days seem like a dream, a wonderful dream though. Oh honey, only five more nights, I count the nights now, that’s when I miss you most baby.

It sure has been an unusual wedding all right, but I like it that way, nothing we ever do is normal anyhow, and that’s the way I like it, it would be awful dull to lead a normal life wouldn’t it. I hope we never will.

Tom and I were just talking about old times at Stewart. Gosh I wonder what would have happened if I hadn’t been sent there or you had had shoes on when you walked down the stairs in your house that first night. Oh I guess I’d have loved you just as much anyhow.

And remember that nigh we went to the Rodeo, Oct. 21st it was. You told me you loved me that night, along with two others. I didn’t know what to think, what that “different way” was. Baby, you had me confused.

And I’ll never forget that Christmas. That was wonderful honey, but not as wonderful as the next few months are going to be if I can ever get out of this damned Florida desert. Four more days and we’ll be together darling. I miss you so much. It was nothing like this at Spence, wonder what made the difference. Must be that smattering of married life we’ve had.

I hope you didn’t think I was mad when you told me you’d taken $35 out of the bank honey. You spend all you want darling, I gave it to you and it’s yours to do with as you like. I never realized it, but it must cost a lot [sic] to live nowadays, the Army has been taking care of me lately.

Well angel I’m gonna hit the sack.

I love you my darling wife, and miss you so much.

Gosh it’s awful being apart like this. So until we’re together again, angel, I’ll just be existing, and thinking of you ever minute of every day that we’re apart.

I love you, and send you all my love, as always.

Your devoted husband


[Translation ends]