"Letter Written by William Judson Clark to Dorothy A. Six Clark Dated M" by William Judson Clark

Document Type

Personal Letter


[Translation begins]


Wednsday [sic]


My Darling Wife,

Boy I’m beat. I flew four ground missions today and all I hear are machine guns and engines roaring in my ears.

We fired ground gunnery today. I’ve decided that’s alot harder than aerial, you have to be too careful and exact. I fired for record and scored 44%. 30% being required for qualification, I made it O.K. Tomorrow or Friday I should R.F. aerial.

As to when we’re leaving you tell me and we’ll both know. Lt. Slaymaker, the C.O. says Saturday. Lt. Fitzgerald, the squadron II C.O. says Sunday. LT. Britlon, Sqdrn I C.O. says Sunday, but LT. Nagle, the Ground School Director says Saturday. Slaymaker and Nagle are both first LT.’s. Britlon’s only a shavetail, so I guess we leave Saturday, (I don’t know.)

This is some filed. Today on my [?] after a landing I almost clipped a goat! He was standing right in the middle of the runway. There’s nothing like flying out of the wilds “into the wild …..” Don’t mind me finally cracked today, that goat was too much. Two more days, God I hope they hurry.

There’s no news baby, ‘cept that I’m nuts about you and miss you terribly, and it’s hot as hell! Otherwise there’s nuttin’ doin’.

I did get a sunburn today, but with the beard I had I only got burned on the forehead and nose. Tell me, are you attracted to the two-toned type baby?

I guess it’s safe to tell you now. I raised a mustache while I’ve been here, but I shaved it off tonight, I didn’t like it much. Everybody has started one though, even Tom. The only think is you can’t see his, it’s blonde! They’re all shapes and sizes, a couple of the boys have them like Hitlers. Very sharp, anything to break the monotony.

Well honey, that’s about all the news for now. Only one thin worth repeating, - I love you, oh honey, so much.

You will have all of my love always darling.

Hope to see you Saturday night angel. Until then, I love you.

Your devoted husband


[Translation ends]