"Letter Written by Dorothy A. Six Clark to William Judson Clark Dated D" by Dorothy A. Six Clark

Document Type

Personal Letter

Rights Management

All rights retained by Bryant University


[Transcription begins]:


Dearest Judson,

Gee, honey, just got back to the hotel and I miss you so darned much. Why do the hours that we’re together go so darned fast and the ones when we’re separated go so awfully slowly? It just ain’t fair.

There’s a soldier in the room across the court and he’s writing too. Probably to his wife. Gee, why couldn’t we be married now! It is so silly to wait and waste all this time. Just think we could be together three more months if we were married at Christmas.

Ruth just asked me to come over to her house for dinner but I said you’d probably be off by that time.

Well, my darling, I love you very much. I’ll write more tomorrow morning. I don’t think that the telephone will stretch over to the bed. Oh, heck! I’ll have to get up in the morning at that ungodly hour and answer the darned thing.

Gee, honey, I wish that we were married so much and that we could be together instead of me being here & you being in the old barracks. It's discusting [sic], that’s what it is—Downright discusting!

Honey, I love you so much. Please write whenever you can because your letters are so marvelous & I love you so much.

Goodnite now my darling. I love you forever & always.

Another thing. I refuse to have people calling you William—I absolutely won’t stand for it!!!! (just to use up space)

I love you—


Dearest Judson,

Golly, honey, it’s getting so late. Woody is lying in bed now sleeping or rather trying to catch up on some sleep. I hope that you didn’t get lost, hon.

Wish that you’d call. It does seem such a waste of time for you to be so near and yet so far. Wonder where you are now, honey. Hope that you’re back at Stewart.

What a life we lead—weather, weather!

Gee, honey, it was so nice to hear your voice this morning even though it was at that ungodly hour. By the way, what time was it? I didn’t open my eyes and besides it was too dark to see anything then.

After you called, I went back to sleep and then a few hours later Woody came & woke me up.

Gee I love you so honey. Wish you’d get back to camp & call.
[Transcription ends]