"Letter Written by Dorothy A. Six Clark to William Judson Clark Dated O" by Dorothy A. Six Clark

Document Type

Personal Letter

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All rights retained by Bryant University


(Return Address Indecipherable)

A/C Judson Clark
Sqdrn 5, Class 45-A
Cadet Detachment
Stewart Field
Newburgh, New York


Dearest Judson—

Here it [is] only Tuesday and it seems as though it should be about Friday at least. What a week again.

Last night I went to see Mexican Hayride. It was pretty good but not as good as all the papers say. You should see me now. My eyes are very patriotic—red, white, & blue. The circles are almost down to my knees. Sure am in great shape. I did like Mexican Hayride pretty much because there was a lot [of dancing?] in it. Every time I see anyone dance it just about breaks my heart. I’d always wanted to be a dancer. Maybe someday when I’m really hard up.

What happened on your instrument check up? Did you stay awake long enough to pass? Did you get any sleep on the train coming up? Did Tom get the tickets? (Tune in Saturday for the next thrilling chapter. I feel like a radio program the way I’m firing questions at you).

It’s hard to write a letter without one from you to answer (hint, hint). But, really, it is because until I hear from your I keep asking you the same questions & you’ve probably already answered them. Oh well if you have just ignore them. We just got a [indecipherable] a few seconds ago. She’s a cute little blonde. Now I’ll never bring you down here. Lord, you should see all the women! (on second though[t], no, you shouldn’t).

Do you think you’ll have to fly this Saturday afternoon? I told you about the whole gang of girls who are going riding, didn’t I?

Well, honey, it’s time to go home now. I’ll try to write again tomorrow. Don’t forget to write when you can.

Lots of Love,
[Transcription ends]