"Letter Written by William Judson Clark to Dorothy A. Six Clark Dated 1" by William Judson Clark

Document Type

Personal Letter


[Translation begins]




My Darling,

You know honey, we’re crazy, but I love it! I hope you get down here early tomorrow. God knows how you’ll ever get here or how you’ll ever get back. Oh well we’ll worry about that then.

Today I slept until nine o’clock and then went over to field six to get my ship. I went in a staff car no less, with my own driver, I felt like a 1st Louie! While I was there I fired 200 more rounds of aerial for a little practice. We won’t talk about the scores. I taking 292, it’s the best ship they’ve got, flies nice and smoothly. Tomorrow I’m having ne guns, tires, and a gunsight put on it. Lt. Carstens, my instructor, will fly it down here from 6.

Gosh it will be wonderful to see you tomorrow honey, even for a few hours. It seems like every time we have to be separated I miss you more. I’ll be glad when this damned thing is over and I can begin to get settled somewhere. Well this time we had one more day than last time. Our whole total of married days together is six. Not bad out of 26. Maybe when I get back….

I’ll have to stop now darling it’s getting late, about an hour has gone by since that last paragraph.

I love you my darling, and miss you so much.

Take all my love and devotion from one who loves you so very much-

Your devoted husband


[Translation ends]