"Letter Written by William Judson Clark to Dorothy A. Six Clark Dated F" by William Judson Clark

Document Type

Personal Letter


[Translation begins]





My Darling,

This will have to be very short honey. I eat dinner in 25 minutes.

Gosh another week gone my, the time is really going fast, or it has this week because I’ve been so busy.

The night before last (Wednsday [sic]) I flew two night xcountries. They were very easy. Easier than day time I think. There’s a system of lights and beacons all over the country that you can use for check points, and because there’s nothing else visible they’re all you can see for miles and you know just where you are all the time.

Your wedding dress sounds swell honey, I know I’ll like it, gosh look who’ll be in it!

I fly again tonight to finish my last two x-countries one high altitude, about 20,000’, so that’s why I’m flying tonight.

We don’t get any Open Post this weekend, we’re flying all day tomorrow and Sunday so I won’t be able to get the wings until next weekend.

I don’t know when the Graduation dance is. Friday I hope. I think I’ll be able to get Charlotte a date but most of the fellows are having their girls come down. But I think I can get somebody for her. I’ll let you know as soon as I find out when it will be honey.

Honey you looked so different in those pictures you sent me. I like your hair much better the way it was when I was at Stewart. You looked alot [sic] like Paulette Goddard there, I think. Please don’t forget to send me those pictures we took in front of Felix’s especially the ones of you honey.

That Flight Officer exam determines by 15% of your final outing whether you are going to be a Flight Officer or not. A high mark helps you make 2nd Lt. a low mark Flight Officer. But that isn’t the deciding factor, it only counts 15%.

Did you like “Winged Victory!” You saw it Monday didn’t you?

I saw “Roughly Speaking” the other night, and I think [?] is in it, too. She plays the part of some kid, she looks about 14. I think it was her, sounded and looked alot [sic] like her, but they sure give her childish parts.

I’m glad you’ve only got a few more days at that grind honey. It must be really rough. Well you’ll know better the next time, if there is a next time. So you think all men are babies, huh? Well I suppose you think women act there [sic] age. Frankly I haven’t seen one yet!

I’m glad you’ve gained some weight honey, you could have used a little, in spots, when I was home Christmas. Getting those tonsils out was just what you needed, they must have been poisoning your whole system. How do you feel, though darling? Besides tired, do you feel any better since you had the[m] out?

I wonder what Steve’s got cooked up. I’ll try to find out when I see him again. I’m afraid he’s giving that girl a line. I know damn well she doesn’t mean a thing to him. But I can’t blame him. I’ve done the same thing myself. But how things have changed, must be love.

Well darling only five more minutes.

How could I tell you how much I love you in five minutes, or five years. I can’t even begin to tell you how much I miss you and think about you.

Honey, I love you will all my heart, and think of you all the time I’m awake, and dream of you every night.

I love you darling.

As ever


[Translation ends]