"Letter Written by William Judson Clark to Mrs. Ruth S. Clark Dated Nov" by William Judson Clark

Document Type

Personal Letter


[Translation begins]


Friday night

Dear Mom:

Hello honey, how are you? I’m at the U.S.O. now and it’s crowded as hell, in fact all you see all over town are soldiers and more soldiers.

I ate dinner at the Brooklyn Spaghetti House. It was pretty crumby.

This afternoon we stood retreat, that’s when they lower the flag. It was very impressive lined up on the huge parade ground were about 15,000 men. We all saluted while the flag was lowered and the band played the national anthem. Then we passed in review in front of the C.O., who, by the way, is now a Colonel, General Brady having left.

There was one quite funny thing about the ceremony. The C.O. stands about 500 feet from the main group- consisting of all the wing group in camp. He gives his orders to the adjutant who in turn has to give the orders of the C.O. to the O.D. who is about 200 feet from the C.O. But in order to do this he (the adjutant) has to walk to the O.D. (officer of the day). He covers that 200 feet in record time but he can’t run. It’s very comical to see him scooting back and forth between these two men, his gate being quite similar to a man in a walking race.

I got your package today hon, and thanks alot. That fruit cake will hit the spot after a good workout on the drill field. And that candy is just what I like with the chewy centers. Thanks again, angel.

Mom, when you address my letters don’t put the training group number down, tent is 1176. For one thing it’s not necessary, and another thing I'm in 1177 now.

Jim Koenigar is shipping out Sunday, boy is he lucky.

I’m learning a hell of a lot down here. Yesterday I field stripped a carbine. An automatic rifle that fires 15 shots as fast as you can pull the trigger. It’s a sweet piece. (Rifles aren’t called that here, they’re pieces). Next week we’ll start using the Thompson Submachine Gun!

I got a seven page letter from Judy today, also one from Charlie, and a card from Ace. I thrilled to hear that you rented the apartment, sweetheart, and I think is a good price. If I’m still here when you go to Texas try ad work it so you can stop by and see me on the way.

It’s starting get damned cold down here. We had frost this morning, and along with the cold we had to go over the obstacle course right after breakfast.

This course is really terrific. It starts off with a 3 foot handle, then a 3 foot hurdle, an 8 foot wall, followed by a ladder, horizontal to the ground which we have to hang on to and reach from rung to rung. Then there is a 2 foot hurdle, a 20 foot ladder we have to climb up and over and down the other side. The next thing we meet is a 5 foot wall then a bunch of logs we have to walk over, succeeded by a log over a stream that we have to cross hand over hand. This we call Guadalcanal. Quite a few fellows fall in the drink. Then finally we come upon a low tunnel we have to crawl through. One fellow went over this course in 2 min and 14 seconds. That’s really goin’ some.

My xo!x?o watch broke today so I’ll have to have it fixed, for a change. That’s all I do to that hairy thing, break it and have it fixed. Did I tell you I got a letter from Nan? Thank her for me.

Well I have to get back to camp beautiful so take care of yourself and tell Bobby to get rid of that cold. I feel very flattered that she should cry over my letter. I really love those two daughters of yours, you don’t realize it until you’re far away from them. I love you too, darling. More than you or anyone can ever know. Good night sweet heart.


[Translation ends]