"Letter Written by William Judson Clark to Mrs. Ruth S. Clark Dated Nov" by William Judson Clark

Document Type

Personal Letter


[Translation begins]





Dearest Mom:

Hello darling. How are you old girl? How do you like my new stationary? Boy it sure is getting cold down here. We expect it to go to zero tonight! There’s a cold wave moving up the coast, you might get it soon. I’ve got K.P. tomorrow. I have to get up at 0315. Some fun. I’m usually getting home that time in civilian life. I’m eating one of your candies right know, they’re really terrific. Mom, do you think you could make some of your luscious cookies with nuts in them for me? Cookies are the think that are best down here. That is, home made cookies.

I’ve been here three weeks today. The time passes terrifically fast hon, but I feel that I haven’t seen you and the ones I love most for three years.

Today was our 18th day of training, you see they don’t count Sundays. We worked with the Thompson Sub Machine Gun this morning then we get another shot. I feel like a pin cushion. I have a little fever from it but that’s all. I have a cough and a cold but so does everyone else. It’s called B.T.C.-T.B. Two fellows here are in the hospital with pneumonia, b-z-h-er-t-s-j., pneumonia. They're getting out soon.

The Sargeant [sic] let something slip today, he said that we can expect to leave this dump soon. But no one can tell what will come up.

I remember you saying to me that if I’m going to be a good soldier I shouldn’t swear. Boy that’s a laugh angel. Everyone from the officers down to the Bucks swear like the devil. Expressions like: “my ass-hole blah blah or “Tough Shit” (T.S.) or “Go F___ yourself.” It’s really terrific.

Well you’re out of the apartment now aren’t you, hon? I’ll bet that was a hell of a job. You rest up now, and if I hear that you’re working to hard I’ll pull outa here and take you in hand myself! No kidding sweetheart take it easy.

Well I’m going to hit the hay early tonight, big day tomorrow. Goodnight sweetheart. I love you. Give my love to all.

Your devoted son


[Translation ends]