"Letter Written by William Judson Clark to Mrs. Ruth S. Clark Dated Nov" by William Judson Clark

Document Type

Personal Letter


[Translation begins]





Dearest Mom:

Hello honey, how’s your cold. I hope it’s better. You get such lousey [sic] ones. What’s the matter with your hip? You didn’t tell me anything about that.

I got a letter from Dud today. He’s in Washington, D.C. he quit the diving and is now in the amphibious command. He works on one of those large landing boats that you see in the news reels. The kind with the catwalks down the left + right side of the bow. They were used in Sicily and Italy. He’s crazy about them.

I’m enclosing two more pictures. These were taken the same time as the others. I’ll send you frames with my clothes.

A bunch of fellows in our group are shipping out today. They’re lucky, shipping out in 23 days.

I think we’ll ship very soon, but first we have to be classified. You see hon, they now classify us as pilot, navigator, or bombardier in Basic Training, instead of after college, as Ace will. All men who came in after October 15 are under this new plan. There is a slim change that we might ship out and be classified after college.

I got a letter from Bobby. I’m awfully sorry to hear that Ricky has a cold, make him get better for me, sweetheart. He sure is a cute little fellow. I’d like a picture of him, Bobby and ace. How’s Ken. I miss him like the devil. He’s powerful cute too. I think I have a pretty swell family, all in all.

Yesterday we had a physical fitness test consisting of a 300 yard run, sit-ups, that is lying on your back and sitting up, and also chin-ups. I got up in the “good” section. Which was a pleasant surprise.

Our Sargeant [sic] is a swell fellow, he has several unique expressions that he uses when he’s annoyed. One is, “Get your finger out of your ass, boy. You’re not a bowling ball!” Pretty sharp, eh.

I saw “The man from Down Under,” with Charles Laughton. It’s terrific. I’m going to the movies this afternoon to see Franchot Tone in something. I don’t know the name. The fellows are hollering at me to hurry, beautiful, we have to make the 1400 show. So ‘Til next time. Goodnight sweetheart, take care of yourself. I love you. Love to all.


[Translation ends]