"Letter Written by William Judson Clark to Mrs. Ruth S. Clark Dated Dec" by William Judson Clark

Document Type

Personal Letter


[Translation begins]




Teusday [sic] 1800

Dear Mom:

Well, old dear, how’s Texas treating you. How’s Biggie and Cynt and all the mob? I’ll bet that you’re very happy to see them angel.

I’m going to the range tomorrow. I’ll shoot the carbine 30 caliber, and the Thompson submachine gun! It ought to be alot [sic] of fun. I’ve got theater detail tonite, but it’s the one good detail here. I had to report at 1700 for roll call. Then I was dismissed to eat, and I have to report back at 2030. I see the show, “Thousands Cheer,” then I have to sweep out the theater. (I see the show free, by the way.)There are other fellows helping me.

I got paid today, too. I received $18.30. Insurance @ $6.40 was take out for Oct. Nov. + Dec. plus $17.50 for a bond.

Well that’s all the news honey. Give my love to precious Biggie and Cynt. I love you. Goodnight sweetheart.


[Translation ends]