"Letter Written by William Judson Clark to Mrs. Ruth S. Clark Dated Dec" by William Judson Clark

Document Type

Personal Letter


[Translation begins]




Sunday 1600

Dearest Mom:

I’m going tomorrow morning, hon. You probably have received my telegram by now, if I can get one off. Yesterday I turned in my helmet and liner and canteen. I also had my dog tags, pay book, and immunization records checked. Today I had a short arm and dental inspection and a clotting check. I have to fall out at 0645 tomorrow with my bags packed to go to the station. I still have no idea when I’m going, angel, but I will try to notify you immediately upon m arrival at college.

Because I had to go to the range Friday, I have to ship tomorrow. All the P.A.C.’s in my barracks went today. So I’m in with a group of boys I don’t know. It will be nice to make new friends again, though.

Edwin Bull, the fellow from New Rochelle that represented Westchester at Mitchel Field washed out. So did Bernie Farrell, that fellow I went to town with last Sunday. They’re nailing ‘em fast.

Well honey, this is my last piece of stationary, so I’ll sign off now. Take care of yourself and Biggie. Give my love to Cynt. I love you sweetheart.

As ever


[Translation ends]