"Letter Written by William Judson Clark to Mrs. Ruth S. Clark Dated Jul" by William Judson Clark

Document Type

Personal Letter

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[Transcription begins]:

on the flight line

Dear Mom,

Gosh this weather stinks. I’ve only been up once this week so far. You see every other week we fly in the morning, and there’s always a ground fog until about 0930. I won’t fly this morning since I’m scheduled as fifth, and the first man just got up. Gee, I’ll forget how!

Well, I walked off three tours last night. Twenty-four more to go. I figure that I can knock off about nine a week, and if my squadron wins the Saturday parade, which they didn’t do this week, I can finish 12 a week, since we get Open Post on Thursday nights as a reward.

Boy, I had a rough day ion the air yesterday. It seemed that I couldn’t do anything right. Honey, there’s so much to learn and so little time to learn it. My instructor is really swell though. As I climbed out of the plane yesterday looking very dejected, he reached down and shook my head and said, “Don’t worry, we all have our off day, you’ll be a ‘stick-pusher’ all right!” That made me feel better.

I got paid yesterday, pulled fifty-six bucks, not bad, eh?

Don’t let Tottie fool you honey, Judy didn’t tell her a damn thing. Judy would tell you before she’d tell Tottie. She’s really nuts about you, she talks about you all the time.

I got a letter from Don along with yours today. He tells me that Mickey is engaged again. To some Sergeant in the Army. God what a woman!

I’ll have some more pictures for you soon, honey, in my hot-pilot hat.

Give my love to Nan, Joe, & Joe Jr. I love you honey, with all my heart.

Your devoted Son


[Transcription ends]