"Letter Written by William Judson Clark to Mrs. Ruth S. Clark Dated Jul" by William Judson Clark

Document Type

Personal Letter

Rights Management

All rights retained by Bryant University


[Transcription begins]:


Dear Mom,

Well honey, that old Clark stomach is acting up again. Wednsday [sic] morning about two o’clock I woke up with a terrific stomach ache and nausia [sic]. I had diarrehea [sic] for the rest of the night and that morning I went on sick call. It seems that I had a little fever so they slapped me in the hospital, so here I am. I feel swell now though, my fever is gone and I’m getting a good rest, the first I’ve had in nine months. I’m burned up though, I was supposed to solo this Saturday, now I probably won’t unless I can get out of this meat house real soon. Don’t worry honey, it’s nothing serious just that touchy stomach of mine. I think it’s a touch of tomaine [sic] poisoning.

They ought to let me out tomorrow. They better I’ve got a lot of work to do, what with a final exam in airplanes coming up.

Did you like “Pin-Up Girl?” I haven’t seen it as yet. It’s supposed to be pretty good.

I just talked to one of the “medics” here, he said that I’ll probably leave the hosp. tomorrow. It was just a plain case of the “G. I.’s” from dirty silverware, or a gem I picked up. My temperature is normal and everything is coming out O. K., if you know what I mean.

Ed Conway, my buddy, is having some trouble with his flying. He doesn’t think he’ll ever solo. Poor guy. He changed instructors and now has Mr. Balko, my instructor, but it doesn’t seem to help. Already three have been washed from my class, but that’s only the beginning.

Please excuse this worse than usual writing honey, but I’m in bed and trying vainly to balance a pad on my knees.

That sure sounds like a soft set-up Gardener has. Some guys get all the breaks, with a little brown nosing, I guess.

Well honey, I’ve got to shave and clean up a bit. I love you, and still miss you. Give my love to Bob and tell her to take care of herself. I’ll bet she looks like something. Hope it’s a girl.

Your Loving Son


[Transcription ends]