"Letter Written by William Judson Clark to Mrs. Ruth S. Clark Dated Jul" by William Judson Clark

Document Type

Personal Letter

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All rights retained by Bryant University



A/C Judson Clark
Sqdrn A Class 45-A
Albany, Ga.

Mrs. Ruth S. Clark
64 Chauncey Ave.
New Rochelle
New York

[Transcription begins]:



On the flight line

Dear Mom,

I just soloed again honey. Made three more landings. There was a cross wind today, and it kept shifting while [I] was up. God what a time. On the crosswind landings you have to lower the windward wing. But when you do that the plane will tend to turn in that direction, so you apply a touch of leeward rudder to keep it straight. Mine weren’t bad, but the second was a little rough.

I’ve got one hour and seventy-nine minutes solo now. Hot-dog!

Boy it was swell to talk to you Saturday. You sounded so close and well honey, I’m going to call you about once a month from now on.

This weekend Ed and I had a lot of fun, even though we couldn’t go to town. We were in the Rec hall just raisin’ hell. And laugh,… We laughed our sides off just acting like fools.

Yesterday I was in the pool most of the day. Got a nice burn. This being restricted isn’t so bad after all.

I’ve got 12 more tours now, and if we win the parade this week, I’ll be out Sunday.

Ed is up for a check ride with a captain now. I think he’s going to wash out. Boy, that’s really tough, but he just can’t fly, that’s all there is to it. He’s gotten two “E” rides (elimination) from the squadron & group cmmdrs. already. This will probably be his last.

I took my final in Airplanes Friday night. Got 95, that makes my final average 95, also. I’ve still got a test in Engines to make up, I’ll do that tonight.

Enclosed is the hospital check for my clothes that you can put in my scrapbook, angel.

I love you and still miss you. Give my love to Bob, and everyone at home.

Your Devoted Son


[Transcription ends]