"Letter Written by William Judson Clark to Mrs. Ruth S. Clark Dated Aug" by William Judson Clark

Document Type

Personal Letter

Rights Management

All rights retained by Bryant University


[Transcription begins]:



Dear Mom,

Boy am I beat. I put in 3 ½ hours today in the air, man it really tires you out. Tomorrow or Saturday I’ll have my 20 hour check. I hope I make it. They sure are washing ‘em out left and right now. Four men out of my bay already have been eliminated, and the rest haven’t had their checks yet. The Army wants nothing but the best now.

Gosh I’m thrilled about Bobby. Tell me about the new addition. How much does he weigh? What color hair has he got? Can he talk yet? Wasn’t he born a little soon? I thought he was due in September. How’s Bobby feeling now? I meant to send her a telegram, but I didn’t have a chance. Write me all the dope, dope. (solid)

I love you angel, give my new nephew my love and his new mother. I love them both. All my love.

Your Son


[Transcription ends]