"Letter Written by William Judson Clark to Mrs. Ruth S. Clark Dated Sep" by William Judson Clark

Document Type

Personal Letter

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All rights retained by Bryant University


[Transcription begins]:



Dear Mom,

Well this is my last weekend at Darr, and it’s been an exciting one. Friday night the boys of my group, and I, went to Mr. Balko’s house for the evening. We got merrily stewed. That Balko sure is a good egg. The four of us chipped in and bought him a combination cigarette lighter a[nd]. He sure needs one, he’s always using my lighter.

We’ve got open post every night until Wednsday [sic], and then we’re off for New York. I still can’t believe it hon. What a deal. I haven’t found out any more details. We will fly from Stuart Field, about 6 miles from West Point. I’ll be approximately 50 air miles from home. In an AT-10 it will take me about 20 minutes to get to New Rochelle.

I think I’ll leave about the 8th. No one knows yet.

I’ve got to eat now angel. I’ll be seeing you! Give my love to Bob, and everyone at home. I love you with all my heart hon.

Your devoted son


P. S. – I got 100 in A. I!

[Transcription ends]