"Letter Written by William Judson Clark to Mrs. Ruth S. Clark Dated Jan" by William Judson Clark

Document Type

Personal Letter

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All rights retained by Bryant University


[Transcription begins]:



Dear Mom,

Well here I am at Spence Field, and is this place a dump.

Tom & I hitchhiked from Savanah [sic] last night and after a mad ride to a small town south of here in the fog, and after two flats, we made it. Got in about 1030 this morning. Gee I miss you honey, it was really hell to leave Friday, it reminded me of that Monday I left in October ’43.

The trip down was awful. The train was mobbed as usual, but I hustled a seat, couldn’t sleep though. I’ve still got the scotch, the[re] wasn’t even a dining car on the load much less a club car. I had my first meal today since Friday.

This place really looks like a rough deal, plenty of chicken all around, especially at the flight line. The food is good though, so far. We live in a two story barracks divided off into rooms with three in a room. I don’t know when we start flying, which, by the way, will be all in AT-6’s, no P-40’s. So that means 70 more hours in that ship. I’ll have almost 200 in it when I’m through.

The washouts down here are very high, around 50%, and half of the lucky ones that get through are flight officers, but that doesn’t make any difference to me, all I want are those wings.

We’ll be restricted for the next two week so I won’t see this town, but from what I here [sic] it’s a killer. Everything folds up about nine o’clock, that is what there is to fold. Well anyhow I’ll save money.

I’ve still got $5.00 worth of meal tickets, too. The first open post I get I’m going to town and blow me to a good meal, on Uncle Sam.

Did Ace make it O.K? Let me know his address and how he likes it.

Give my love to Bobby & Nan for me, and thank Bob again for all she did, she’s really marvelous. And so are you my dearest Mom. I love you with all my heart and think of you constantly. A thousand kisses from—

Your devoted son


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