"Letter Written by William Judson Clark to Mrs. Ruth S. Clark Dated Feb" by William Judson Clark

Document Type

Personal Letter

Rights Management

All rights retained by Bryant University


[Transcription begins]:





Dear Mom,

It was so swell to talk to you Saturday honey. You sounded wonderful.

Well I’ve got 56 hours now, only 14 more to go, but they’ll be the toughest, most instruments and they are really rough around here. We’re allowed a variation of 3° in heading and 10 feet in altitude. Anything over that is failing.

I’m so sorry to hear about Ken. I’m glad he’s better though.

That sounds like a swell set up Nan & Joe have. I envy them, it must be swell to have a soft job like that.

Honey you’re very sweet to send me that check. I’ll use it for the suitcase, shoes, and probably some new underwear and socks, I guess I need them. Thank you ever so much, you’re too good to me angel. I’m the luckiest guy in the world to have a mother like you.

So you liked “The Suspect” eh? I saw it too. It was marvelous. I saw “National Velvet” also, I though[t] that was very excellent.

Say hello to the Van Alen’s for me when you see them. They sure are grand people. I know you’ll have a swell time with them. Let me know how you like the show.

I’m so sorry Bobbie’s plans were delayed. Well it won’t be much longer, but it’s too bad she has to take Ricky. Maybe Mrs. Nisar can take him too. I’ll bet she does.

That sounds like a good idea for the flowers. I think I will get Dottie white roses, and you and Dot gardenias. I’ll see about that next weekend. I have to get Harry a carnation (how do you spell it?) for his lapel don’t I? And what about Charlotte? I have to get her some flowers, too. Maybe red roses. What is she going to wear? Do I get her a bouquet? Boy I hope I never have to go through this again.

This weekend I’m also going to get the rings and see the photographer. I’m going to have some Kodachromes taken. At least I won’t have to pay for him until I get the pictures.

Well honey, I’ve got some homework to do. I miss you and am looking forward to seeing you so much.

Give all my love to Nan and Bob. And to you I send a heartful angel. You’re so sweet to me. I love you with all my heart. Goodnight sweetheart—

Your devoted Son


[Transcription ends]