"Letter Written by Mrs. Ruth S. Clark to William Judson Clark Dated Mar" by Ruth S. Clark


Ruth S. Clark

Document Type

Personal Letter

Rights Management

All rights retained by Bryant University


[Transcription begins]:

March the 22nd

My dear sweet kids:

I was so happy to receive your letters yesterday, was beginning to wonder where my wandering children were. I was surprised to hear that you Judd, were in Florida, what a hole that must be from your description. It is too bad you have to be separated but nothing can be done about it, I hope the time will go swiftly by and you will not be too lonely without your Judd, Dottie.

Am glad you have a room and that you like Selma. You have nothing on us when it comes to Spring weather, it is beautiful just like May, needless to say there are no flowers in bloom.

We left Moultrie around 10.30 Monday morning and got to Atlanta at Seven P. M. stayed all night at the Atlantan a nice Hotel except for the cock roachs [sic]! Which Dot and I did not like at all, we left at 2 o’clock P. M. and of course were very comfortable in the Pullman but the train from Albany was awful, we sat in a funny little enclosed “Compartment” with seats like rocks and was it hot. We were entertained by a drunk from Florida, who was going to his Mothers funeral in St Louis! He said he was drowning his sorrows.

Ace came home with Bobby they flew from Dallas in one day, and loved it, he has to be back by the 26th and is trying to get a seat on a Plane, if so he will leave Sunday and if not I imagine he will leave Saturday, it is going to be terrible for Bobby. Ace is so proud of his Wings too but I am sure he is disappointed not being a 2nd Lt. he is going back to Waco and says he will instruct for awhile and then he does not know where he will be sent. I am glad you like your Wings Judd, I was certain-[sic] very proud to be able to buy them and pin them on, incidently [sic] I’m proud of my Wings too when I wear them I look at them every five minutes to see if they are still there.

Harry called me last night to say they had heard from you Dottie and they were so pleased to hear. Dot is fine and stood the trip wonderfully----better than the “old lady” I think.

Wednesday after I got home we went to Nannies to get Ronnie he was fine and everybody else, had dinner at the Officers Mess then came home. And the pay off is---Monday Nannie called me to say she had measles! I nearly died will have to be in bed a week, suppose Ronnie and Ricky and no doubt Kenneth will have it in due time, couldn’t you die? When we were there Nan said Quentin St. was full of it, oh! my!

I do hope you will be able to live off the Field when you get back to Craig, honey, so that you can be with Dottie as much as possible, that’s the way it should be. It must be something learning to shoot from the Planes and thrilling too.

You should know how to fly AT-6’s by this time, ha! After you have read this letter send it to Dottie as I do not know where to address her. I could not say much on your wedding day as I was a silly Mother, but it was beautiful wedding and you looked very lovely and beautiful Dottie, as a bride (now do not get too conceited ha!) I am crazy to see the wedding pictures so send us some. All my friends asked about the wedding and Graduation and have sent lovely messages to you both---so here they are. Please excuse the type writer but it is easier for me to write on it, sometime I’ll write in long hand.

Do write as often as you can, letters mean so much to me. You are both very sweet and I love you. Always be happy and together as much as possible. The family send love and will write as soon as Ace leaves and Nannie well. All my heart full of love and devotion.

Always devotedly


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