"Letter Written by Mrs. Dorothy E. Weidler to Dorothy A. Six Clark Date" by Dorothy E. Weidler

Document Type

Personal Letter

Rights Management

All rights retained by Bryant University


[Transcription begins]:

March 26, 1945

Dearest Babies—

Hi!, Rex sends love, Paw sends love, Grandmaw sends love and me, too. I mean, no one sends me except you two. It was thrilling to hear your voice on the telephone. Scurried around like the Easter bunny—(please give a big kiss to Mr. O’Leery from his grandmother)—and telephoned everyone except the Pope and King George and Hirohito to let them know about it.

Everyone is looking forward to your leaves (being man and wife I feel sure that that is proper) and I guess all of Pelham and New Rochelle will welcome you both.

Your father, Dottie, found a typewritten note on his time card when he got in on Monday. It goes like this (by Dick Schroeder)

We know that you went South

We know that your daughter got married

We know that your son is a flyer

We know that you had a pleasant trip

We know that you saw many unusual sights

We know that you had a lot of fun on the train

We know that you had quite an audience

We know that you will soon be a Grandfather

We know that you are back at the office

Yes, we know all that, so


I am going to frame the original!

All my love


[Transcription ends]